Sunday, 19 October 2008

Update Delays

After leaving Rabat on Wed we arrived in Graciosa this morning. A good sail and practice for the atlantic - lots of swell and varying wind strengths.

I have been trying to update the journal but the internet at Rabat was playing up before we left and Graciosa doesnt have wifi - there is an internet cafe that i am hoping to get to otherwise will update in Lanzarote. Have updates about our trips to Meknes, Marrakesh and the journey here.

Will try update the at sea page until we can get the journal updated.

Friday, 17 October 2008

Canaries - Day 3

Well, the winds have been good to us so far and we've had some good sailing. It got upto 25 knots last night and we were thundering along with full main and poled out staysail - was beginning to think about pulling a reef in when the winds dropped.

Not much shipping to note, but have seen a couple of other yachts headed our direction (all were much bigger which explains why they overtook us!).

Seas building quite steadily making for a rolly downhill ride!

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Bound for the Canaries

We left Rabat at noon on the 15th - light winds and fairly flat batteries dictated the use of the iron headsail. Shipping was reasonably heavy and we headed 12 miles out to try and avoid some of the smaller fishing boats.

The wind picked up a little this morning and we turned the engine off at around 5am. Good sail all day, although the wind has been light - speed varying between 3.5 and 5.5 knots. We are still around 25 miles off the Moroccan coast, but bearing 225 towards Lanzarote.

A 450 mile trip - just under 300 to run as at 18:30 today (16th).