Wednesday 6 August 2008

Made it out of Wales!!

Two weeks after we left Fleetwood we finally got the weather we needed (well, better weather) to leave Abersoch.

We attempted to leave on Saturday morning, but after several days of gales the sea was very rough and the wind was too tight for any of the 4 destinations we had set ourselves (Arklow, Milford Haven, Kilmore Quay, Cork). So back we came - a little embarrassing after a full send off from Abersoch including flags and hooters - but better to be safe!

Sunday was nice and we went out to watch the practice race of the GP14 World Championships (Jonny's old class) and also met up with PJ (the eldest of Kate's younger brothers) who had just come back from doing the charter season in the Caribbean with his girlfriend. A good night on Sunday with a family meal to welcome PJ home, and some beers with the GP sailors.

We awoke on Monday and had a lazy morning. J helped Alan sort the enterprise out for his forthcoming national championships (Good luck Alan and Matt!), and we packed away the dinghy which we had repaired after it suffered a puncture whilst behind the boat in gale force winds.

We finally got out to the boat and cast off the mooring at 2pm, sailed past the yacht club with much waiving and tears (from family ashore and on Newt!)and out of the bay.

The wind was tight so we motor sailed for a couple of hours before putting a tack in and heading for southwest Ireland. The wind remained tight all night between force 4 and 5 and we sailed well averaging 6 knots. Around 3am the rain came and visibility dropped to a few feet as we crossed the shipping lanes off Carnsore Point. We pressed on and caught the favourable tide to make over 10knots at one point (still close hauled) past the south east corner of Ireland.

The rest of the day was wet and misty with a large Atlantic swell which had been building during the low pressure systems of the last couple of weeks. We pounded on, not very comfortable with head winds and large seas - neither of us felt 100%, but Newt was coping very well and ploughing her way through as only a heavy boat can.

We rounded Roche's Point to enter Cork harbour at 6pm yesterday - 28 hours after leaving Abersoch. We are moored at the Royal Cork Yacht Club (the oldest yacht club in the world, established in 1720), and are having a couple of nights in the marina to wash the boat off etc before getting a mooring in the river (half the price of the marina!)whilst we wait for the weather which is looking like this weekend at the earliest.

Nice to be out of the UK and feel like we're on the way properly now (especially as we're on Euro's!)


Kev & Jo said...

Hurray!! well done guys you are now on your way, we all had a cheer for you here on invincible.


Mandy and Brendan said...

Just testing this blog thing to see if I can make it work :-) Left a message on guestbook but thought I might as well try to become a bit more computer literate!! xx

Mandy and Brendan said...

yey it worked x