Tuesday 14 July 2009

11th July, Bora Bora Yacht Club, Bora Bora

We woke up this morning to an overcast sky which was a problem because we wanted o head back up to the yacht club but we couldnt get back through the coral pass without good sunlight to help our visibility. At about 7.30 there was a small patch of blue sky so we decided to make a run for it - getting out of the pass was alot less scary than getting in!
We headed up to the yacht club and anchored. Today we wanted to get ready to leave tomorrow so we did some hand washing, took a load of washing in for their machines, filled up with water and went to the supermarket to get some fresh veg.
On the way back from town we saw Ishka who invited us on board but we needed to put some of the shopping in the fridge and see if our laundry was ready to hang out.
After lunch with the washing hung out we headed over to see Ishka - White Hawk and Blaze were also there so we had a fun afternoon.
We headed back to the boat for dinner and to finish our jobs and had been invited over to Natural Mystic (Tina (Norwegian) and Kyber (American)) for cocktails. We had a quick cocktail before heading ashore to watch the dance festival which was great.

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