It was a slow motor with the wind too close to sail and tide against us. The sky was very grey and as we rounded the headland at the entrance to the bay it started torrential raining and thunder and lightning! We made our way into the bay with reduced visibility and had to avoid a sea plane!
We motor around the bay looking for our buoy - no. 64. We found 62 and 63 and then realised that another boat was on 64 so we were told to pick up a different buoy. About half an hour later as we were starting to dry off we heard voices outside. It was the owner of the buoy we were on needing us to move - we were directed to a different buoy and werent asked to move again.
During the night the forecast southerly came in and it was a wet and windy night.
In the morning we had to pack our bags to go to our hotel in the city centre. The weather was still horrible and we ended up with alot of bags (all covered in bin bags to ensure they stayed dry on the trip ashore) so we decided to get a taxi to the city rather than the bus.We got picked up by the marina launch boat and said goodbye to Newt.
We are now settled into our hotel room for 2 weeks. We are still looking for an apartment and have to buy jonny a suit before he starts work in a week.
As we have now left the boat and are at the end of our trip we will only update the website periodically. We love hearing from people about our trip and are happy to answer any questions so please keep in touch.
Love Kate, Jonny and Newtsville
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