Tuesday, 22 September 2009

20th Sept, Vuda Point Marina, Fij

A busy morning - Jonny did an engine oil change and i took advantage of the fact that the internet was working to send some e mails and update the journal page with Fiji pictures.
We had a relaxing afternoon watching a dvd and eating ice cream.
We headed over to Blues (Bertel and Brita) who were having problems with their computer for Jonny to help. We have met Blues on and off since the Tuamotus but this was the first time we had had a proper chat with them. Afterwards Drimia came over for a drink as well.
From Blues we headed to Ishka to collect our memory stick with some new pictures on it and ended up having a drink. Drimia also arrived and then Jeff (Nemesis). We are unsure when we are going to see Ishka again as they are staying in Fiji for a while and then heading to New Zealand. They are a great couple and we hope we cross paths again soon.

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