Wednesday, 21 October 2009

21st Oct, Sydney Harbour

A busy first day in Sydney and a first for Newtsville!
After breakfast and showers we headed ashore. We needed to go to the chandlery which was a couple of bays away. When we left the UK we replaced our mast head lights with LED lights which have been great - bright but low power usage. Unfortunately as we have traveled across the Pacific the anchor light had started to fail and by the time we got to Tonga it wasn't worth putting on. When we contacted the manufacturer they said that when we got to Sydney they would be happy to exchange it under warranty. After walking for 45 mins we were worried that when we got to the chandlery the manufacturer wouldn't have e mailed and they wouldn't know what we were talking about but they had the bulb waiting for us.
We got the bus back to the city centre and went to the Aquarium to meet John and Monica for lunch. John and Monica are cruising friends of Jonny's parents. John had been delivering a boat across the Pacific but our paths hadn't crossed and now they were in Sydney visiting their daughter. They took us for a lovely lunch at an Italian restaurant on Darling Harbour and then came back to the boat for a drink.
After a big lunch we didn't feel we needed any dinner so we settled down to watch a dvd. Jonny happened to glance out of the hatch and noticed that we were nearly touching the boat behind us. For the first time since we left the UK we had dragged our anchor. It was just going dark so we had a quick motor around but decided where we had been was the best spot so decided to try again. After watching the boat for a while we seemed to be holding so went to carry on watching the dvd. A large gust came through the anchor and when we looked out we realised that we had dragged again. We picked up the anchor and moved to a spot that meant we were slightly in the channel but by now it was dark and we thought we could move first thing in the morning. We watched the rest of the dvd and went to bed with the anchor alarm set but we seemed to be holding.
I was abit nervous about going to sleep but was dozing lightly at around midnight when i heard a banging on the hull. I jumped out of bed thinking we had dragged again and went to look. I could see a canoe banging against Newts hull but no one in it. I shouted to Jonny to come up when i heard this voice in the water. One of the guys off a nearby boat had tried to kayak out to his boat and had tipped it over and couldnt get back in. I lowered our swimming ladder and shouted for Jonny again. The young lad was fully clothed and absolutely soaking. He had lost his phone and wallet. He used our bathroom - leaving a wet trail through the boat and then Jonny gave him a lift to his boat in our dinghy.
By 1am we were back in bed and had a good nights sleep!!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful posting regarding the experience you had in Sydney Harbour. Thank you sharing your lovely moments with us .

Can you share some beautiful pictures of Sydney Harbour with us if you don't mind ?

traveldestination said...

John and Monica are cruising friends of Jonny's parents. John had been delivering a boat across the Pacific but our paths hadn't crossed and now they were in Sydney visiting their daughter. They took us for a lovely lunch at an Italian restaurant on Darling Harbour and then came back to the boat for a drink.
that's nice conversation.
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