Saturday 7 March 2009

San Blas 6th March

After a very windy night anchored at Porvenir it didnt sound like the weather was going to get any better soon. We listened to the radio net at 8.30 and the weather report was for more wind tomorrow and then starting to drop. Alot of the other anchorages sounded busy and we didnt think they would be anymore protected than where we were so we decided to stay put.
Calsyta and Christine Anne came over for morning tea. Red Herring, Balu and Vagabond Heart arrived in the anchorage.
By lunchtime the wind still still picking up and there were lots of squalls and the sea was getting choppier. Red Herring suggested an inlet on the mainland that might be more protected so they set off with Balu. They arrived a report a flat calm anchorage so more of us followed. It is sheltered inlet surrounded by mangroves. We put up all our mossie screens and then took the dinghy to explore. We found a channel that goes into the mangroves that we are going to explore further tomorrow.

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