Sunday 8 March 2009

San Blas 7th March

The mangrove river was very calm last night and we didn't believe that there was 45knts outside!
Christine Anne and a couple of other boats came into the river to join us, so there are now 11 boats in the river all weathering the storm in peace!!
Kate did some teaching yesterday - Alice from Vagabond Heart had a school test to do which needed invigilation so Kate stepped in and helped out for the morning (we did get yummy Vietnamese Pork Rolls for lunch in return which was good!).
I did some jobs around the boat (fixing the mainsheet track, repairing a bent part on the anchor windlass etc) and tried to make the most of the still waters to get some jobs off the list.
In the afternoon we took our dinghy along with Vagabond Heart's up the mangrove passage for around 2 miles into the rainforest where we walked through the forest exploring. The forest was amazing and the river very interesting (who'd have thought this time last year we'd be paddling up a mangrove river in a Panamanian rainforest!?)
We're waiting for the weather to improve then its around 70 miles to Colon to get our canal transit arranged.

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