Sunday 19 April 2009

17th - 19th April Santa Cruz and Isabella Tour

Fri 17th

There was a big group of us going on the island tour - Sunchaser, Christine Anne, Vagabond Heart, Calysta, Silk Sheets and 2 German guys. We got our boat at 7am across to Santa Cruz where we arrived just after 9am.
We decided to head to the Darwin Centre to see Lonesome George. The centre wasnt what we were expecting - it was a small display room with a boardwalk round the tortoises and land iguanas. It was amazing to see the giant tortoises including George and to be able to get so close to them and to also see the land iguanas.
After the Darwin centre we found a restaurant in town doing 3 course lunch for $3.50 which the others had whilst we eat our packed lunch!!
At 2pm we got the boat to Isabella arriving about 4.30pm and were met by our guide Edwardo. He took us to our hotel which seemed really nice - fridge, tv, air con and a shower!! Then we went for a walk to see the flamingos but there so only one there so we headed to the beach to see the marine iguanas.
From the beach we had a stop at a bar for beers before heading back to the hotel for showers and then dinner.
After dinner we headed back to the hotel and snuggled in bed watching the tv!!

Sat 18th

Breakfast at 7.30 then we made our packed lunches before heading off to the volcano in the bus. We arrived at the base of the volcano and were given horses. Once we set off Jonny wasnt seen again whilst mine was happy to plod along at the back. Jonny's horse and its friend (with Ben from Silk Sheets on it) had rushed to the front of our group, then caught up the group in front and passed them arriving half an hour before me and the other stragglers!!
The summit of the Sierra Negro volcano was amazing - it is the 2nd largest crater in the world with a diameter of 30km.
From there we walked to the crate of a smaller volcano (Chico) and stopped for lunch with an amazing view. From here we could see the smoke from the volcano on Fernandina that has been erupting recently.
Back to the horses and back down the volcano - after the 2nd 1.5 hour ride i have had enough of horses for a while!! Back to the hotel for an hour to get ready for our afternoon snorkel.
We snorkeled near Las Tintos island just off Isabella. On the first snorkel we saw lots of fish and a shark and then on the second snorkel we saw a large manta ray. On the way to Las Tintos we saw penguins, blue footed boobies and seals.
Finally we walked round Las Tintos - we saw the marine iguanas 'spitting' - they take in too much salt so 'spit' it out of their nostrils and seals but no more sharks.
After tea we had a early night watching tv in bed.

Sun 19th

An early start this morning to catch the ferry at 6am. We arrived in Santa ~Cruz about 8.30 and had some breakfast.
We had a nice time exploring the shops with Sunchaser, Christine Anne and Calysta. Just before lunch we bumped into White Hawk who were anchored in Santa Cruz and they joined us for the $3.50 lunch.
The ferry back to San Cristobal was at 2pm and was a bumpy ride.
Back in San Cristobal we had ice creams before heading over to see Pegasus who had arrived whilst we had been away.
Back on Newt for an early night and the rest of the Galapagos dvd.

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