Sunday 12 April 2009

Day 7 Las Perlas to Galapagos - Across the Equator

Light winds again today. We managed to sail with the cruising chute up until 6pm and then have been motoring every since.
We crossed the equator at 2.30am. We had champagne and mini eggs which we hope Neptune also enjoyed. We spoke to Sunchaser on the radio and he told us we also had to give Neptune a lock of hair each which we did. Hopefully he will reward us soon with some wind!! We ran the tap north of the equator and the water drained clockwise, we did the same south of the equator and it drained anti clockwise!!
We have 75 miles to go to the Galapagos so will be turning the engine off soon to ensure we drift there for daylight tomorrow.

Day 7 distance traveled: 115 miles
Total distance traveled: 775 miles
Distance remaining: 75 niles

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very interesting about the water never gave it a thought be4. love your blog and have been enjoying your adventure since you left the uk.

I am from Manchester but live in Malaysia now.

Good luck on your travels

Regards John