Friday 4 September 2009

4th Sept, Malolo Lailai, Fiji

Jonny spent the morning servicing the outboard engine and stripping down the carburetor. We then went ashore to see all of our friends who were arriving.
Kate spent the majority of the day socialising with the girls off Ishka and Nemesis and making pirate outfits for tomorrow's festivities. Jonny meanwhile went off with the boys from Nemesis and Silk Sheets to steel wood from the airport workshop and then spent the whole afternoon with powertools and spray paint making wooden swords and daggers for the pirate day (complete with coconut shell handles, sprayed silver and with red blood stains ... boys and toys!).
We then went to the opening ceremony for the regatta in which there are now over 80 boats. The whole event is free due to local sponsorship, including the opening night free bar and bbq! Each nation was asked to stand and sing their national anthem during the ceremony - there was a large contingent of Kiwi's, Ozzie's and Americans, but we were joined by 3 other Brits to give a strong rendition of 'Swing Low Sweet Chariot' (in response to the NZ Haka which was performed) and then a slightly unsure version of 'God Save the Queen' (really who knows ALL the words!!??)

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