Monday 28 September 2009

Monday 28th Sept - Noumea, New Caledonia

An early start in the search for new engine mounts. We first went to the customs headquarters to get a permit for tax free spare parts for the boat - a long conversation in French and we were told to return later! We then went to the marine industrial area (a 45 min walk) where they told us we could get them at another shop, a 1 hour walk in the other direction. We eventually (hot and tired) got to the other store to find they did have engine mounts, and 4 on the shelf, but only 2 the right size for us. We bought the two (convincing the shop to give them to us tax free even though we still didn't have the permit from customs) and headed back to the boat.
Warren from Memphis and I installed the two new engine mounts (we replaced the failed one and the other one on the port side which felt the worst of the other 3) quite quickly (less than an hour in total) and then we helped Memphis with some computer problems in return! Kate meanwhile set off to see customs again and managed to get our tax free permit so we had it if needed!
We did some internet jobs at McDonalds (free wifi - shame you need to buy an icecream to use it!!!) before heading to Memphis for tea with them and another Kiwi couple off Baikal. We had a lovely evening - only interrupted at 10pm when we had to nip back to McDonalds to make a Skype call to the UK tax office (who have eventually got all our papers, have processed them and should be giving us our overpaid tax back any day!!). A long day, but the weather looks good and we are hoping to leave on Wednesday for Australia.

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