Wednesday 12 August 2009

12th August, Vaka Eitu, Tonga

After some jobs with other boats in the Port Maurelle anchorage we decided to head off to a different anchorage.
It was windy outside the protected anchorage but was a much more sunny day then we have had recently.
We got to Vaka Eitu and picked up a mooring buoy. After lunch we went to say hello to Moasi, Ian and Julia, a British catamaran we had seen briefly at a couple of anchorages but never had chance to chat to properly. We had a lovely couple of hours on Moasi chatting before heading back to Newt.
Moasi were going to come over later to get some books of us and for a drink once Ian had fixed their generator but unfortunately he was struggling to find the cause of the problem and had to take a rain check.

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