Sunday 16 August 2009

14th August, Neiafu, Tonga

After a blustery night at our anchorage we headed back to town after breakfast. We are planning on spending the weekend and the beginning of the week in town catching up with people and getting ready to head to Fiji.
After picking up a buoy (we are not yet sure whose??!!) Andy came over for a coffee and then we headed into town where we met White Hawk, Ishka and Orono 1 in one of the cafes.
From the cafe we picked up some bread and postcards and then headed back to the boat. We decided to drop the bread off and then go and see a couple of other boats. After we dropped off the bread we were met by a dinghy where the guy asked us if Newt was a Colvic (only the second person to recognise her!!) - he is from Ipswich near where the Colvic were originally made and said they had been his dream boat. He invited us back to his boat for a drink - he is crew on a 66ft oyster called Miss Molly. A cup of tea turned into a couple of beers as we watched the Friday night race from the back of their boat with Navara.
From Miss Molly we headed to the Yacht Club to catch up with the others. James (one of the crew from Miss Molly, he is 17 and his dad (Jeff) is the captain) asked us if he could join us for dinner which was great. He is a very ambitious 17 yr old who wants to end up working in the yacht industry. We hope that all his plans work out and he is successful. After dinner at the Aquarium we headed back to the Yacht Club for another drink and then back to Newt.

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