Saturday 1 August 2009

1st August, Neiafu, Tonga

Since Niue the weather has got abit chiller and this morning we needed long sleeve tops on when we woke up. In Niue we wore long trousers for the first time since Europe and on the crossing from Niue to Tonga we had our mid layer kit on at night!!
Our plan this morning was to motor the half an hour back to town. As I was brushing my teeth I saw whales in the distance so we took a little detour on the way back to town!! An hour later after seeing 3 pods of whales we made it to town!!
We rushed round town to get our shopping before the shops shut at 12pm.
At 2.30pm we headed over to the barge. Our new friends on Chriselle had completed their circum navigation in Tonga after 8 years and they have some friends who have a barge here and said they could have a party on it. We headed over for drinks and nibbles in the afternoon and then a bbq. It was a great afternoon and evening.
At 8pm we headed back to our boats. Jonny dropped me off at Newtsville and he went to have drinks with a group of Kiwi lads on their boat (the first people we have met who are the same age as us!!).

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