Monday 18 May 2009

16th May Taiohae Bay, Nuku Hiva, Marquesas, French Polynesia

We were woken up at 7am to the sound of Christine Anne dropping their anchor next to us. After breakfast we headed over there to catch up on crossing news. We left Russ to work on their toilet and headed ashore with Chris to get bread and a rossitiere chicken (recommended by Lucey Blue) - unfortunately the chicken man didnt have any chickens today so we ordered one for tomorrow. We have been surprised by the town - all the buildings and houses are very modern and well built for such a remote place in the pacific.
As we were leaving the dinghy dock Barbara, At Play, asked us to radio her husband to come and get her in an our but unfortunately we couldnt get hold of him so we went back to pick her up and she invited us onto At Play, a 30ft catamaran they are delivering to Australia. It was surprisingly spacious down below with a full size bath in the bathroom!! She also fed us Pampelmousse (like grapefruit) which were lovely. As a hobby she make necklaces and earrings and gave me a lovely pair of earrings. They are leaving Nuku Hiva tomorrow and want to be in Australia by the end of July so we probably wont see them again.
In the evening we headed over to Christine Anne for drinks and then had an early night.

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