Saturday 23 May 2009

23rd May Taiohae Bay, Nuku Hiva, Marquesas

We woke up at 4.15am and headed ashore in the dark for the market. The market was on the dock which was all flood lit and there was music playing. At the market we got pastries, bread, pain au chocolate and vegetables but everything was expensive. The best part of the market was the fish.
Back on Newt we had coffee and pain au chocolate and read our books.
At 8am we headed to Lucey BLue who was anchored in a prime location to watch the start of the out rigger canoe race. The 6 men boats were doing a 39km course that headed out of the bay to a nearby island.
After the start we headed to Sunchaser to say hello - they had stayed in the other bay overnight. When we were on Lucey Blue Pegasus had arrived into the bay so we went to say hello and were greeted by a man with a video camera - Pegasus are making a documentary for channel 4 about circum navigating as a family and have had film crew on board at various points during the trip - Ben (the camera man) had met them in Hiva Oa (a Marquesas island) and was flying out of Tahiti. When the documentary airs you need to watch for us in Nuku Hiva watching the out rigger races - Jonny says he would have shaved if he had known he was going to be on tv!! We watched the finish of the race on Pegasus and then headed ashore.
Ashore they was a party atmosphere as the boats finished and music and stalls on the dock. After ordering our roast chicken for sunday lunch we headed back to Newt for an afternoon reading books.
In the evening we headed over to Vagabond Heart for sun downers as they are staying in the Marquesas for a while longer and then planning on spending longer than us in the Tuamotus so we might not see them again for a while.

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