Wednesday 6 May 2009

Galapagos - Marquesas Day 13

Another light wind day - the forecast is for more wind today (we will see!). Kate has been seeing a bright light behind us at 5:30 am for the last few days and it appears over the horizon to the East like a ship and then quickly rises into the sky - everyday she thinks a huge ship is bearing down on us - however we discovered from our radio net yesterday that it is infact Venus we can see.
We caught a fish yesterday too - we think its a blue fin tuna, but certainly some breed of the tuna family. Looking forward to trying it later with some sweet chilli sauce, sweetcorn and noodles!
We flew the spinnaker into the night last night, dropping it around 10pm. We made good speed despite the light winds, but we are falling behind our impressive speeds of last week!
24 Hour Run: 130 n/m
Total Distance Run: 1,876 n/m
Distance to Run: 1,230 n/m

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