Thursday 28 May 2009

Marquesas - Tuamotus Day 3

The glassy seas lasted most of the day until just after we had finished our showers on deck at 3pm when a slight breeze filled. We hoisted the spinnaker and finally turned the engine off. The wind was steady and we got moving nicely. We dropped the spinnaker at 10pm due to dark clouds and rising winds. Less than 2 hours later we got a big squall with 40 degree wind shifts and rain - good job we didn't have the spinnaker up! We are still sailing and making good speeds. We will arrive tomorrow morning but will have to slow down later to time our approach for daylight and slack water in the narrow entrance to the lagoon.
24 Hour Run: 124 n/m
Total Distance Run: 369 n/m
Distance to Run: 116 n/m

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