Saturday 23 May 2009

22nd May, Hakatea (Tai Oa) Bay, Nuku Hiva

An earlish start this morning to head up to the worlds 2nd highest waterfall 2 hours away. There was a group of us heading up there - us, Christine Anne, Sunchaser, Vagabond Heart, Lucey BLue and an American boat called Contrails. The walk was spectacular and much easier than expected with only a slow incline. At the waterfall you first saw a pool and then by ducking under a rock you got to the pool the waterfall fell into. Unfortunately due to the lack of rain recently the waterfall wasnt very powerful but it was still amazing - it was in the middle of a steep sided valley with huge cliffs surrounding it.
Once back at the dinghies we headed to Sunchaser for cake - Brenda hadnt come on the walk because she had sprained her ankle earlier in the week so had made cake!!
After an hour relaxing we picked up the anchor and headed back round to Taiohae Bay ready for the market at 4.30am!!

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